次回例会は2月14日。The next Shogi meeting on 2/14.

Dear SF Shogi Clun members,
The next regular shogi gathering will be held on February 14th, from 1:00pm to 5;00pm at the Nichibei Kaikan (1759 Sutter street, SF). Please note this will not be the first Sunday of the month. We changed the date to 14th considering the possible traffic congestion and the crowds in downtown SF. Use the phone at the entrance to get into the building.
We look forward to seeing you all.

次回2月の例会は、14日の日曜日に開催されます。場所はいつものとおり日米会館(1759 Sutter St. SF)で、時間は午後1時〜5時まで。
4月上旬(予定): 全米将棋選手権大会(フィラデルフィア)
